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On July 12, 2021, our Institute launched a new campaign to conclude contracts for specialized education of applicants at the country's leading technical universities.

Yuliya Tsapurdey, HR training and development manager, presented the campaign, launched in 2021:

- In total, this year 127 applicants received from our Institute referrals for privileged admission to top Moscow universities and institutes, of those 38 applicants – to Moscow aviation institute (MAI); 60 applicants – to Bauman Institute; 16 applicants – to National Research University of Electronic Technology (MIET); 5 applicants to National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute) and the same amount - to Russian Technological University (MIREA); 2 applicants – to Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography; 1 applicant – to Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MPEI). The entrance exams will show how many of these applicants become RIPI’s contracted students. Currently, more than 180 students are contracted ones, they are studying at the technical specialties of interest to our Institute.

Upon completion of higher educational institutes, these students will be given an opportunity to be employed in decent jobs at decent wages in a period of no less than three years. In addition, at our enterprise the contracted students also get the chance for practical learning under the supervision of qualified staff, which ensures that students acquire new practical skills and experience in their specialized subject area.

The trainees begin their first acquaintance with our enterprise by visiting the RIPI’s Museum of History and Technical Achievements.

Denis Mitrofanov, Head of Center for Marketing, Information and Advertising Technologies, usually conducts these excursions for students and undergraduates. Following another excursion, he shared his impressions with us:

- More than forty 2-nd to 5th year students and undergraduates visited our Museum within last month. It is very interesting to communicate with them and high schoolers during excursions: these young people rather consciously conceive information relating to the areas of RIPI activity; they generally ask lots of technical questions. As a rule, spacecraft control systems, radar systems, and ground-based ERS data receiving stations attract the most interest from the visitors of our Museum. And a favorite exhibit for all the visitors is rightly considered the touch panel on which we demonstrate interactive Flash-presentations, which very clearly, in dynamics, present the functioning of all the systems, built by the specialists of our enterprise.

RIPI Press Service

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