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Career Counselling & Guidance

RIPI regularly holds open classes for schoolchildren, as well as excursions in the RIPI’s Museum with the aim to help pupils to understand their ambitions, interests, qualifications, abilities, the job market, the education system.

In late October, 2022, an open class "The profession of an engineer" was held at Moscow school No. 1411, with the participation of RIPI’s lead engineer and employees from the Press Service and the HR Department.

Partners of our Institute, involved in career guidance activities:

1. State Budgetary Educational Institution of the City of Moscow “School No 1411” ( )

2. State Budgetary Educational Institution of the City of Moscow “School No 1554” ( )

3. State Budgetary Educational Institution of the City of Moscow “School No 1577” ( )

 Contact us:


Phone: +7 (495) 730-72-23 (Specialist from the Social Policy and Corporate Culture Implementation Group)

University-enterprise cooperative education program

About Cooperative Education model

The Cooperative Education model (or co-op education) is a type of a budget one, based on an agreement, signed between an organization and an applicant, which offers access to specialized engineering and technical education programs, stated in the relevant list of the RF Government and in accordance with the needs of the defense sector enterprises.

The co-op education is a unique tool and first confident step towards successful future for school graduates.

Enrolment to cooperative education model is organized under the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No.1681 of October 13, 2020, “On the cooperative education and training under the curriculum for secondary vocational and higher education”.

Advantages of university – enterprise cooperative education model

  • separate competitive selection to higher educational institutions based on the Unified State Exams (USE) results;

  • enrollment to higher educational institutions with the first enrolment order;

  • acquaintance with the future working environment and work characteristics;

  • passing all types of traineeships at the RIPI units;

  • writing term papers, graduation papers under the guidance of experienced RIPI specialists;

  • providing necessary materials for writing the graduation papers relating RIPI activities;

  • guaranteed employment after completing their third year of study in their chosen profession;

  • starting from the 3rd year of education, the senior students are offered paid position, provided that they’ve successfully passed midterm assessments.


Admission into industry-oriented specialized engineering and technical higher-educational programs

  • make an informed decision about a career in engineering;

  • get acquainted with the leading technical universities and their educational areas;

  • gain the required number of USE (Unified State Exam) points on the mathematics, Russian, physics/ computer science;

  • fill out the online questionnaire below;

  • send the filled form to marked with “Cooperative education”;

  • attach scans of your passport and portfolio over the last two years (diplomas, certificates, memorable gifts, confirming participation in Olympiades, contests and competitions, etc.), certificate of secondary education or technical and vocational secondary education;

  • sign the contract with our Institute to get access to the privileged engineering educational model;

  • submit all the original documents to the university together with the signed contract;

  • complete successfully the educational program in the technical university;

  • join and be part of our team of professionals working together at RIPI;

  • start doing your work, develop your skills and build your career within your chosen specialization.

List of educational organizations, involved in training specialists for our Institute, is as follows:

1. Federal state budgetary institution of higher professional education BAUMAN MOSCOW STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY (National research university)

2. Federal state budgetary institution of higher professional education MOSCOW AVIATION INSTITUTE (National research university)

3. Federal state budgetary institution of higher professional education MIREA – RUSSIAN TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY

4. Federal state budgetary institution of higher professional education MOSCOW POWER ENGINEERING INSTITUTE (MPEI)

5. Federal state autonomous institution of higher professional education MOSCOW INSTITUTE of PHYSICS and TECHNOLOGY (National research university)

6. Federal state autonomous institution of higher professional education NATIONAL RESEARCH NUCLEAR UNIVERSITY (MEPhI, MOSCOW ENGINEERING PHYSICS INSTITUTE)

7. Federal state budgetary institution of higher professional education MOSCOW STATE UNIVERSITY of GEODESY and CARTOGRAPHY (MIIGAiK)

8. Federal state autonomous institution of higher professional education NATIONAL RESEARCH UNIVERSITY of ELRCTRONIC TECHNOLOGY (MIET)

9. Federal state budgetary institution of higher professional education MOSCOW STATE UNIVERSITY of TECHNOLOGY STANKIN (MSUT STANKIN)

10. Federal state autonomous institution of higher professional education MOSCOW POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY

Contact us:


Specialist of the Training and Recruitment Department: +7 (495) 290-36-20

Head of the Training and Recruitment Department: +7 (495) 231-38-17



Every year, students, studying at State educational establishments, including the ones, participating in the co-op educational model programs, come to RIPI to gain hands-on experience within their field of study before graduation.

RIPI has been regularly taking part in Job Fairs, where young people can get to know the company activities better, learn about vacancies available and the opportunity for on-the-job-learning to supplement knowledge, gained in their academic studies.

Our Institute annually accepts senior undergraduates (up to 4 people) to undergo externship through a competitive procedure, with average GPA (grade point average) not lower than 4.0 in the following areas of RIPI activities:

  • radio electronic systems and complexes;

  • instrumentation engineering;

  • radio technique;

  • applied informatics;

  • applied mathematics and IT;

  • software engineering;

  • information systems and technologies;

  • information security of automated systems;

  • standardization and metrology;

  • informatics and computer science;

  • information and communications systems;

  • geodesy and remote sensing.

Externship Onboarding Procedural Process

An externship agreement between RIPI and a student’s educational institution should be signed. If the agreement hasn’t been concluded, then we are ready to consider signing it.

The educational organization submits an official letter to RIPI, requesting for on-job-training for its senior undergraduates.

The training and recruitment department specialist distributes students, coming to undergo practical training within the Institutes units.

Useful links and references

RIPI History and Technical Achievements Museum

RIPI History and Technical Achievements Museum was unveiled in May 1991. In 2017, the exposition was updated and enriched with new exhibits and thematic areas. A variety of exhibits testify about interesting and long history of our Institute, from the day of its foundation up to the present day, and represent samples or fragments of equipment in the form of instruments, functional units, parts. The information posters contain photos of individual radio engineering complexes, their specifications and operation principles.

The museum exhibits are housed in rooms, measuring around 150 sq.m., and arranged along thematic areas and in chronological order.

In 1956, the Institute started manufacturing equipment for the Russian space industry: command radio links (CRL) and radio-engineering systems for spacecraft docking.

The CRL equipment, developed by the Institute’s engineers, has still been actively operated, starting with the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite until the present time.

The IGLA radio mutual measurement system is also well known for satellite instrument designers. By means of this system, 95 automatic dockings of various spacecraft were carried out, including the world's first automatic docking of the Kosmos-186 and Kosmos-188 spacecraft in October 1967.

The KURS radio mutual measurement system (the second generation of equipment) has completed more than 150 automatic dockings for various spacecraft and is now successfully operated as part of the ISS.

These thematic areas’ instrumentation is presented in the form of monoblocks, containers, individual devices and functional units. The technical data of these systems is also given.

A mock-up of a COMPACT small-sized high- resolution airborne radar designed for remote sensing of the Earth's surface one can see on the Museum’s booths.

In total, our Museum numbers more than 150 thematic expositions.

Name of the Museum: RIPI History and Technical Achievements Museum

Location: Moscow, Dekabristov str., vl. 51.

recruiting specialist
+7 (495) 290-36-20
Head of Personnel Recruitment and Development Department
See also
Сareer opportunities
Social policy
Tourism traditions
Sport traditions