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Sergey S. Sobyanin, Mayor of Moscow, and the Moscow Government Presidium’ve approved the recognition of the Technopark status for the JSC RIPI, part of the Russian Space Systems Holding Company.

On December  17, 2020, the Moscow Government Presidium ordered to assign Technopark status to the JSC RIPI.

Specialization of RIPI’s Technopark focuses on radioelectronics and instrument manufacture. The entire territory covers 7.7 ha, with the total area of capital construction facilities of 68,000 sq. m. The total number of employees is approximately 3,000. It possesses infrastructural collective-use facilities: an exhibition hall built to accommodate innovative samples and prototypes and present the high-tech products of the Technopark and its residents, as well as a congress hall, equipped with videoconference facilities.

More than 40 residents and other tenants operate on the territory of the Technopark, including: JSC Russian Space Systems ( JSC RSS) - the country's largest manufacturer of instruments, software and electronics in the space field; JSC Satellite system GONETS – the only Russian company, providing personal satellite communications services through application of GONETS domestic low-orbit satellite system and data relay services through application of LOUTCH multifunctional data relay satellite system; TECHNOMEDIKA Ltd, medical laboratory equipment fabrication company, etc.

In total, there are 37 Technoparks that are currently operating in Moscow. The total area of their premises is more than 2.4 million sq. m. General number of resident companies is more than two thousand. They provide jobs to more than 67,000 people.

Alexander V. Lyukhin, RIPI’s Director General explained:

- Technopark status will allow our Institute to benefit from tax relief, which apply to managing companies and anchor residents of Moscow Technoparks. These include: reduced tax rates for profits, land tax, property tax exemption and some of the other benefits. With those savings, we will be able to invest the remaining resources in enterprise development, upgrade productive capacities and addressing various social issues.

The Research Institute of precision instruments was founded in 1952, is part of the Russian Space Systems Holding company of the Roscosmos State Corporation, and specializes in developing, manufacturing and commissioning:

- complexes for automated spacecraft control
- radio mutual measuring systems for spacecraft search, rendezvous and docking
- complexes for ERS data acquisition and processing
- air- and spaceborne radar systems for Earth observation
- radio-engineering complexes for low-orbit satellite communications systems
- geospatial products

For the flight of Yuri Gagarin, the first cosmonaut, on the Vostok spacecraft on April 12, 1961, our engineers and specialists developed and manufactured a command radio link, in which, for the first time in the world, the Descent and Rescue commands were implemented for cosmonaut ejection, if necessary. All manned spacecraft Vostok and Voskhod were equipped with this command radio link.

In October 1967, the world's first automatic docking of the Kosmos-186 and Kosmos-188 spacecraft was carried out using the "Igla" first-generation radio mutual measurement system, designed by the RIPI scientists and engineers. Currently, our Institute continues to develop and produce the KURS radio equipment for docking spacecraft with the International Space Station.

RIPI Press Service
based on information from the official portal of the Moscow Mayor
and Moscow Government.

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