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The unique sealing technology for encapsulation of micropackages, developed by the specialists of our Institute, received a Silver Medal at the 24th Moscow International Inventions and Innovative Technologies Salon «ARCHIMEDES-2021».

This unique sealing technology enables the engineers to produce more compact, lighter and more reliable electronics for advanced spacecraft.

It’s based on application of laser beam instead of cold welding, as well as on changes made in design of the assembly to replace the currently used exhausting tube, produced from ductile metal.

Decrease in a number of component parts reduces the mass-dimensional characteristics of the final product; processes of assembly and filling the internal volume of the microblock with technical gas are simplified. Application of this technology excludes that the melted metal could get into the internal volume of the micro-assembly.

One of the participants of the sealing micropackages project, Andrey Bazhanov, head of RIPI’s department, shared his knowledge:

- The new sealing method deals with a special embodiment of the exhausting unit, which is made in the form of a protrusion with an annular groove around it. The construction provides a hermetic seal weld, which increases its reliability and quality, and also significantly reduces the time for the production of the product.

The new sealing method for encapsulation of micropackages can be applied for manufacturing various products involved in space activities, in which sealed microblocks filled with technical gases are used. For example, it was used while modernizing the Komparus automated radio-engineering satellite control system and onboard radio-engineering complexes for Gonets-M communications spacecraft.

RIPI Press Service

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