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Denis Mitrofanov, Head of the Center for marketing, information and advertising technologies at our Institute, took the 3rd place in the “Internet marketing” competence of the 6th Corporate Championship “Young professionals of Roscosmos”, held by WorldSkills standards from 15 to 20 August, 2021, in Moscow.

There is a wise folk saying: “The constancy is a mastery attribute”, and Denis Mitrofanov has proved the correctness of this assertion once again, confirming his last year’s result – the bronze medal in the “Internet marketing” competence.

Six employees from our Institute participated at the 6th WorldSkills Championship throughout four competencies: Denis Mitrofanov in the "Internet Marketing" competence; Anton Andronyak - in the "Electronics" competence; Viktor Dmitriev, Mikhail Tulumdzhiyan and Aleksander Kurnosov - in "Space Systems Engineering"; Natalia Kravchenko - in the "Milling operations on CNC (computerized numeric control) machines" competence.

Experienced specialists from our Institute were invited to act as referees to assess the results of the competitive tasks: Anna Nurpeisova – for "Internet marketing" competence; Andrey Shorstov - for "Electronics"; Stanislav Belozorov – for "Engineering of space systems" and Alexey Khomenko – for "Milling operations on CNC (computerized numeric control) machines" competence.

The international movement “WorldSkills International” was launched to raise standards and levels for professional training, retraining, and qualification enhancement through hosting professional skill championships around the world.

The “Roscosmos Young Professionals” corporate championships are the largest professional skills competitions in Russia, held for specialists aged between 16 to 49 years. It was launched in 2016. 269 representatives from the Roscosmos State Corporation enterprises took part in this year’s Championship throughout 20 competencies.

All in all, 12 competition platforms on the basis of professional educational institutions were provided for holding competitive events: 10 platforms were located in Moscow and 2 ones in Moscow suburbs.

RIPI Press Service

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