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In early October, the third season of operation of the Mobile Transmit/Receive Complex (MRTC) for the benefit of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergencies (MES) of Russia in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) ended.

Within half a year, from April till October, 2022, the joint crews, composed of RIPI specialists and Yakut rescuers were accomplishing satellite monitoring of dangerous spring flood and fire events on the territory of the Republic of Sakha, thus having provided more than 250 sessions for obtaining ERS data from Russian orbiting constellations, using the MTRC facilities.

Yevgeny Kolesnikov, the 1st category engineer from our Institute, said in an interview:

- RIPI specialists, as representatives of the enterprise-developer of the Complex, jointly with the Main Directorate of the MES of Russia in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) personnel ensured the round-the-clock operation of the MTRC for satellite monitoring of terrain and aquatic surfaces in order to predict, prevent and eliminate emergency situations.

Usually the spring regional flood season falls on the period from April to May. The satellite images, received by the MTRC during this period, enable specialists to estimate the changing river ice conditions, promptly monitor ice darkening and opening, timely detect ice jams, calculate flood zones in the vicinity of residential areas, and, finally, take preventive measures to prevent, eliminate or mitigate consequences of emergencies. Once the regional flood season has ended, it is replaced by another one – the season of forest fires, which can last in the Republic of Sakha till late fall. And during that time the satellite survey makes it possible to estimate the extent of active fires; identify new fire areas; predict the spread of fire and evolution over time; and assess the threat for inhabited places and infrastructure.

Besides, the MTRC, as a space monitoring tool, is used within the Republic to monitor the functional conditions of the road network, agricultural lands, planted forests, ability to navigate over the separate river sections and search for crashed aircraft sites.

The operation of the MTRC in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) has been conducted under the Agreement, signed by the Roscosmos State Corporation and the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia in the sphere of space activities since 2020.

RIPI Press Service
