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Denis Mitrofanov, Head of the Center for marketing, information and advertising technologies, took the 3rd place in the 5th Corporate Championship “Young professionals of Roscosmos – 2020” (by WorldSkills standards) in the “Internet marketing” competence:

- We participated for the first time in this Championship. The preparation for modernization of  the RIPI Internet web site ( had become something of training for this Championship. We managed to  compete with success; to compare our knowledge and skills in Internet marketing with the level of representatives of the leading enterprises in our industry for this competence. Now these skills will be a valuable input to the future development of the RIPI’s iPortal.

The bronze medal to Denis Mitrofanov, honours and diplomas to participants in the "Space systems engineering" competence were presented by Alexander Lyukhin, the RIPI’s Director General:

- I am glad that you not only represented our Institute at the Corporate Championship "Young Professionals of Roscosmos-2020" honourably, but also for the first time brought a medal to the RIPI's symbolic collection of awards. There are lots professionals among our colleagues who is able to compete with the best representatives of aerospace industry. I’m certain that the two competencies which we participated in this year are the very minimum. We should apply more and more frequently for our teams and individuals to participate in similar competitions. Participation will be followed by awards.

In a team competition, representatives of the ISS-Reshetnev Company won the highest number of  awards of the Fifth Corporate Championship.

RIPI Press Service

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Awards, certificates, licenses
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